My REXX programs
Program to fix text typed with Caps Lock (like "oH, MAN, i LEFT IT ON!").
Cyrillic characters are supported -in DOS 866 encoding.
POWER | Tony Robbins' Power
Questions - runs once a day
NOCTRL | Eliminate control characters
to make file printable
DES | Make 4DOS file description from file's initial comment line
DA | Util to display data entry panel. Here's a small sample
CBOX | Function: Dialog with user-defined buttons
LIST | Function: Selection List
MERZAJAC | Procedure: Multi-line footer message
TOCOM | Comment/uncomment program line (REXX, C, JavaScript, Pascal, Basic, etc)
MAP & SHELL | (Click to see descriptions)
Object REXX Stuff
(Here's the
Program keeps your F-PROT installation up to date - sign.def and
macro.def are downloaded from ftp.complex.is if newer versions are
available. Best when used in conjunction with scheduler.
Command line util to upload file to specified FTP site.
Synchronize local directory with a specified remote dir on FTP site!
(Uses RXFTP:
Win95 version /
OS/2 version)
Lowercase function
CPU-friendly SLEEP for Win95 - for use in batch files
Winrexx Utilities
Checks whether Word97 virus protection is disabled (several macro
viruses turn it off after the infection).
Shows what programs run on Win95 boot - looks in Startup, WIN.INI
and even Registry!
| Shows which hotkeys are used by Win95 shortcuts
IP | Prints current IP address
RING | Improved front end to PING.EXE
IKONY | Generate HTML table with icons (I*.GIF)
Time functions
MILITARY | AM/PM => Military time
AMPM | Military => AM/PM
T2S | Military => Seconds
Date functions
DATE2BASE | Number of days passed between 01/01/80 and specified date
BASE2DATE | Convert base date into MM/DD/YY format
JULIAN | Returns date's number in a year
GREG | The opposite to Julian: X,YY => MM/DD/YY
YDAYS | How many days are in a given year
DAYS | Returns number of days in specified month
Y2000 | Convert year to 4 digit format
Mike Cowlishaw - The Father of REXX
REXX Interpreters