When bookmark points to Javascript: it may not work if current page
has no tlaoded completely.
1 - switch to first window, 2 - to second..
Hotkeys for changing font size:
9 - decrease font size
0 - increase --//--
By far the most annoying thing in this browser is the "Exit Opera ?"
dialog when you try to close it. It can be eliminated by adding line
SHOW EXIT DIALOG=0 in [USER PREFS] section of Opera.ini file.
You can change Opera's default backround color
by going to Preferences/Document appearance/Background
When using Opera with Dipstick, you cannot drag URL from browser
window. Instead, copy URL and do right click/paste Url in Dipstick.
When Opera forgets to prompt for 'save as' name, it may save
file in defautl download dir, with correct extension and random fname.
Sometimes Opera goes crazy and starts displaying help
screens no matter what key you press. To get it back to normal,
press F1.
MIDI file stops playing when you go to another page. Workaround:
use "Get Link Document New Window" whe opening MIDI!
Opera' JavaScript has its own little quirks.
For example, following snippet works find in Navigator,
but not in Opera:
if (!show) return
Solution is to terminate 1st line with semicolon:
if (!show) return;
Major bug in Opera 3.2/3.21 - if you have Winsock 2.2, it
will often get stuck at 'connecting to name server' message.
Workaround - switch to 'Synchronous DNS' setting.
You can type short version of URL in 'direct URL' box - for example
'ibm' will resolve to http://www.ibm.com!
Manual importing of IE bookmarks: Ctrl-F2 to display hotlist,
rclick on Hotlist, pick File/Insert Internet Explorer Favorites.
Endless name/address/phone forms are one the annoying things
on the Web. Fortunately, new version of Opera has a way to deal
with them - goto Preferences/Generic/Personal information and fill the
fields. Next time a form attacks you, strike back with right
click/insert address!
Opera 3.0 beta 9 - press Ctrl-F2 to hide the "bookmarks"
Use "file/close" to get rid of unwanted email window.
Ctrl-F11 toggles menu off and back on (another tip by Leo)
Z key can be used to interrupt transmission!
Quirks - Opera doesn't let you use <h2> tag inside <pre>,
as well as <p> inside <b>.
Workaround on version 3.0 scroll bug (when Opera doesn't let you scroll
to the bottom of the screen) - scroll to the top and then down
Deleting bookmark - goto hotlist, Edit/Cut (discovered
by Leo Alekseev).