Midnight Commander - NC clone for Unix shell (!!!!!!!) http://www.gnome.org/mc/ 1) Esc-1 = F1 ... Esc-0 = F10 2) ^x-c - CHMOD (like Drabek's PROTECT). 3) Display Mode - contains submenu where you cal select full/brief, etc. Under tree view there are subcommands: f2 - rescan f4 - static/dynamic - ? 4) TAB works, so does copy and delete. 5) Hotkey work in menus. 6) ^F - PgDn. 7) Filters work - ura! 8) 'Info about files' in right/display - same as Info in VC. 9) Options/menu file edit - 1st time you do this it creates local menu for you! I already defined a menu item! Woiks! 10) Dir tree - use right and left to move up and down level. 11) Find File - works. 12) Options/config/verbose - should turn off dialog for copying file, but doesn't work. 13) ^U works (swaps panels). 14) Command history works. 15) What about speedsearch ? 16) Meta key is ESC, for example Esc-* inverts selection. 17) Installed on CRL - yay! Reading FAQ... 18) In viewer: Space- PgDn, ^B - PgUp. 19) Found Netterm font that supports graf chars - MS Linedraw!!! And garbage on the screen disappeared. 20) After pressing F9 you can access menu thru shortcut. 21) How to PgDn in fileman ? ^V and ESC V to go back, like EMACS. 22) How to ins filename in cmdline ? ESC-ENTER! 23) Cmdline history window - F9 c h. Only stores cmds that are entered with panels on. 24) White '*' works to invert selection. And '+' works too. 25) Esc-Tab - filename completion. Press again to show window of choices if prefix is ambiguous. 26) Gooky errmsg: 'shell is already running a command'. Then segmentation fault comes if you ^O. Sounds like bug. 27) Find out what 'network link' is for. It is for comp that runs mcserv. 28) Checking TAR support - supposedly you can read it like dir (yay!) - works! 29) Closing FTP link - '..' in root dir. Same with TAR file. O, ftp supports urls! Can also do cd ftp://xyz - works! This is very fast way to browse archives, because don't need to dl thru modem. So is Lynx, though. 30) F9 C E - edit extension file. 31) I mapped by Inlink account - left panel CRL and right Inlink. Vou!!!!!!!!!!! Also, saved inlink as dir in hotlist. Cannot rexec commands. 32) ESC-ESC is documented key - single ESC is used as Meta. F10 also works as Cancel in dialogs. 33) View for man page does not work - 'terminal Tascii unknown'. 34) F9 O S - save setup. F9 L F - left filter. F9 C C - compare directories. 35) See if there is online MC manual. There is, on their homepage! 36) mc -c - color mode. -v - load internal viewer (Use LIST alias). 37) Can pass 2 dir names to MC - for IPL. 38) If you have no permission to enter dir, MC quietly ignores your attempt. 39) ^X P - pastes selected panel name into cmdline. ^X ^P - same for unselected panel. ^X T - paste names of selected files to cmdline - o, something other commanders can't do! ^X ^T - for unsel panel. ESC P, ESC N - goto to prev/next command in history. ESC F, ESC B - move word forward/backward in cmdline (and this is key for TCSH too, I bet... It is!). ^D - DELCHAR (TCSH too). ^K - ERASE EOL. ESC BS - delword backward 40) ^T - tag file. 41) There is hint mode in MC - shows hints over cmdline. 42) You can map FTP drives to both panels and copy files directly. |